
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

On the run already

So president and his wife are way nice!!! truly such pure hearted people and i loved getting to know them a little bit!! they were so loving and kind about everything!!
My new companion is Elder Smith from payson utah im the first person he has trained and he has been out for 15 months now. we have a lot in common which is awesome!! He get along great! We serve in the Houston 7 ward in an area called Cloverleaf which is bascially a bunch of trailers but the people are way nice here!! And we get fed every night!!
The spanish has definitely gone right over my head but hopefully through time i will pick it up!! I really hope it comes fast hahahaThe people in the ward are the most loving people it has been amazing!!!
The bike is great already been using it! Only gotten attacked my three dogs no big D!! until the last one which was a pitbull ahaha but i got away!! Its extremely hot here!! its crazy its a wall that hits you ever time you step outside!!
Please send stuff!! like food hahaha 12800 woodforest blvd apt#2209 Houston Texas 77015
Best part of the week was watching a man pray for the first time and putting everything he had into it! and right after the prayer he received an answer which was soooo powerful!!! it was amazing!!!! Things are going great just readjusting everything! Hope things are good at home and love you all!!!!
Elder Anderson

Friday, August 23, 2013

Out in the field!

We got a postcard from Josh today. It reads:

Dear Family,
Well I made it safe and sound, and already had the wall of humidity hit me very HARD!!! I'll be losing A LOT of weight! It's been a really nice and easy day. Which is very nice! I'll get my trainer tomorrow and will be getting started on the work! I love you all so much!

Love Elder Anderson

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Friends on the Outside....

Here are parts of different letters he's sent home to us.

Happy to hear all is well and that things are working out! Its a highlight of the week to hear from the family and to hear everyone is moving forward and progressing! Still sounds like everyone is busy with their own stuff, of course! ha but its good to stay busy, it keeps you out of trouble! im so excited to get back to the states and get started in the streets! Its crazy how fast time flies by here! already a month down in the mission and i feel i just got here! its crazy!! but I'm definitely ready to get started! its hard to say goodbye to all the people i have met and gotten close to! but its all part of life!! I'm hoping I'll be able to call you guys from the airport again I'll let you guys know. Thank you so much for all you guys do for me, especially throughout all the years. I can't wait to learn and grow more out here. I don't feel I have changed all that much but the more I look at it I can see a difference. i just hope my mission changes me for the rest of my life!
until texas! love you!
Elder Anderson 

haha luckily things are easy here when you are stuck behind a wall!!! but even more lucky is that we have a new friend here who we pay to go get us tacos de lungas and coke!! we are the senior missionaries now which means we have hook ups and make it really fun here! a new kid got here last night and was freaking out so i helped him it was cool cause he knew some people from there at home so we hit it off pretty well! but we finished our last lesson with our investigator! which was nice! cause he was way difficult! but now we just have in field orientation friday, regular day saturdaysunday we just hang out and enjoy it then monday and tuesday we dont do anything cause most the district is gone by then!! its crazy! i already have been given my release date which is just weird...i dont even want to think about leaving haha i feel i havent even gotten started! its crazy to hear jordan is getting ready to leave! i have gotten way tight with his friend Elder Passey! he is such a sick kid!! well im just picking away at it, not much is new!! i went to the temple again today and did it in spanish made me feel good cause i kinda understood it haha but i know there is so much more to learn especially with the language!!! i hope i pick it up fast in the field!  im just excited to get there!! 
all i ask is that you send some new ties!!! im already sick of mine hahaha so i started trading them with the natives! it gets pretty intense hahaha
thank you for all you do!!! congrats on 27 years!!! only eternity to go!!!(It's mom and dad's 27th anniversary on August 26th) 

Love Elder Anderson

And of course it wouldn't be Josh if he didn't make us laugh...