
Sunday, November 17, 2013

I drove a fire truck and fooled by a 6 year old…. only me

Alright another week with lots of great things!!!
First monday i got to drive yes i said drive a flippin fire truck!!!!!!! Such a sweet pday hahaha that was a dream come true!!!
Second everyone will get a kick out of we were over at an investigators house and we were just hanging out and all when the six year girl Angelica comes up to me and we start talking. We are best friends cause thats about my intelligence level with spanish....anyways!!! She brought some papers to me and told me they could help me with my spanish, so i start doing them making myself pretty good cause i know everything and all that. I was just having a good time thinking nothing of it when her mom, Sindy, starts laughing uncontrollable. I had no idea what was going on.... i came to find out all the papers Angelica gave me was her homework......i did all her homework for the week..... i got played by a 6 year old.... only positive thing that happen was that i was able to complete kindergarten homework in spanish....
Third, another really funny experience was me on the phone with a member. I was trying to confirm an appointment for the night but i messed up......I said "queremos confumar a nuestra cita este noche con usted" which means we want to smoke at our appointment this night with you....i wanted to say " queremos confirmar a nuestra cita este noche con usted" which means we want to confirm our appointment this night with you. As you can see they are very similiar but mean VERY different things hahahahha the member laughed for about 5 minutes once Elder Smith explained it.
Next, my bike sucks.....ha it has no wheels on it. Andddddd  has broken spokes thats sucks.
Last, this past sunday i got to confirm our investigator in sacrament meeting which was way sweet!!!!! Such an awesome thing!!!! Spirit was way strong!!!! Definitely a highlight!!
No much else is new. Getting ready for transfers and all that good stuff. I am excited to get done with training that will be way nice!!! I hope all is well at home and that everyone is doing good! Remember who you are and what you stand for!
Elder Anderson

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